Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bible Study

Colossians 1:1-14
My first thought when I read these verses was, " Wow! Those people were so lucky to have someone in their lives like Paul to encourage them and pray for them." Then it hit me on the head that I have that type of support system in my life and would not trade them for the world. I know that whenever I get down I can count on my family, my friends, and my church to help keep me going like the people who stand on the sidelines of those 26 mile marathons and cheer on the runners. Okay.. I got off subject a little bit, but I love it whenever I read Paul telling people, " I thank God for you and pray for you," on a constant basis... who wouldn't like to hear that? The verse that stuck with me was starts in verse 10 and continues in 11 and a bit of 12.. " growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might, so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father..." Yeah, the first time I read that I said "Wow!" too. I know there are times when I feel weary and need some endurance and DEFINITELY there are times when I could use some more patience. After reading this I thought about all of the people in my life who have helped me endure the seemingly impossible. My friends at Southlands always talk about going through seasons and how we are all there to help each other through these seasons and let me tell you, they have taught me a lot about humility and humbleness. I am going through a season right now and I constantly tell them that I get embarrassed about having them pray for me all the time and not being able to return the favor and Sandy, who is one of the elder's wives, said to me, " Just let us lift up your arms when they get weary and we know that you will return the favor when we need it." It's so true I have many Paul's in my life who are helping me with my endurance and I know that some day, when I am stronger, I will be able to lift up their arms and help them endure... that is the beauty of the Christian family....


Miss Jenn said...

I agree..I know I couldn't endure if it wasn't for my strong christian friends and family who uphold me and keep me strong and who pray for me when I am weak.

Shermanators said...

Yeah! You are joining our bible study!!! :)

I totally agree with you. I don't know what I would do without all the support around us lifting us up this past year as well. Sometimes, that is honestly all that kept me going. :)