Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The great election

I was just siitng here thinking how the weather is appropriate for what is going on right now. Everyday for the past week or so there has been people bombarding the streets with signs and yelling," Say yes to this Prop," or "Vote No on this Prop." My coworker Jessica said that she even saw some people getting in fights over it. There has been so much turmoil that it seemed appropriate for the storms to come. Today all of these issues will be resolved one way or another and this morning the sky was ominous and the rain came, but just about the time that everyone begin to go out and vote, the clouds parted and the sun shined down on all of those people who decided to do their civic duty and vote.... It will all be over soon and I have faith that God's will will be done :o) Get Out and Vote!!!!


Miss Jenn said...

Trust me...this will quickly become addicting!!

Shermanators said...

yes....it is VERY addicting! Welcome to bloggy world, Krissy! :) Now we too can keep in touch! :)


Shermanators said...

Oh yeah...this was the very first background layout I picked too! Great minds think alike! :)


PS You and Jenn are the only two with permission to call me that, you know. ;)

Miss Jenn said...

BTW...I'm tagging you. You have to write 20 things you really want!!