Thursday, November 6, 2008

More than I can Handle

"The Lord never gives you more than you can handle..." I have heard that phrase over and over throughout my lifetime, but I have never felt that it was quite true. I have been in some situations that were DEFINITELY more than I can handle (I'm kinda going through one right now.) I think that there should be an extension to that saying that reads," If you do get more than you can handle, the Lord will bring people in your life to help shoulder the burden." Things in my life lately have made me feel like I have a thousand pound boulder sitting on my chest and it's slowly suffocating me. I was mad the other day cos someone repeated that phrase when I was talking about how I was struggling and I felt like screaming, " But THIS is more than I can handle." Then I started to think about how my friend David asked if he and my friend Karin could pray for my situation Sunday morning and how my friend Aaron has been sending me encouraging texts. Then yesterday my best friend came and picked me up because things at home were very tense and we spent the most relaxing day ever and then finally last night my friend Jill asked me how I was and when I gave the standard, " Oh things are fine.." she just gave me that look and I crumbled and told her what was going on. She spoke words of encouragement over me and when she prayed for me I somehow felt lighter. I felt like each one of those things were like my friends picking up axes and chipping away at the boulder on my chest and they too were carrying my burden with me. I know I have been disappointed lately because some of the people I EXPECTED to be there haven't been, but others have come coming at me left and right and I feel like I don't have to shoulder this burden alone. To those people I say I am forever indebted to you. Now I know the next time I feel like I am overburdened that God will put people in my life that will carry it with me and it gives me a sense of peace


Shermanators said...

Wow...beautiful post! I know exactly what you mean, Krissy. Matt and I too have been going through an extremely burdensome year. :( it's amazing to see all the friends rally around you in prayer and support. Sometimes I wonder why I even question God.

Sometimes I think God allows bad things to happen so that others can be supportive, you know? It's such a blessing not only to the person struggling, but to the person giving the support. It forces us to self-less. It's amazing how God always brings it full circle. :)

I'm praying for all 4 of you too!!!


PS I'm giving you a VIRTUAL HUG!!! :)

Miss Jenn said...

PS-My word verification word was gaddi! Aww..made me think of Brittie!