Friday, November 21, 2008

Bible Study Continued

Colossians 1:15-23
The first thing that grabbed my attention was in verse 15 when Paul says,"He is the invisible God,the firstborn over all creation" because traditionally the firstborn in the family takes on the leadership roll and leads the way for his/her siblings. . Throughout the bible people say that we need to be "Christ-Like" and follow his lead, so in essence he is like the firstborn because it gives us someone to look up to. How many times in our lives have we found someone who is either a sibling, or an older cousin, or an aunt or uncle and we say, " Wow! I wanna be like THAT when I grow up.." It seems like the same thing to me, we WANT to be like Christ so in essence, he is the perfect firstborn to follow. I also love the way Paul is so kind of in your face with the people of Colosse in saying, " Hey don't forget that without Christ you have nothing... he went through all of this pain and agony for you and it seems like you are taking that for granted." Even today sometimes Christians get so caught up in their own lives that they forget to stop and appreciate just how HUGE of a sacrifice Christ made for us so that we too could one day celebrate in heaven. So I urge all of you, ESPECIALLY with the holidays coming up, to take a moment and reflect on the awesomeness that is Christ and what he has done for us

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bible Study

Colossians 1:1-14
My first thought when I read these verses was, " Wow! Those people were so lucky to have someone in their lives like Paul to encourage them and pray for them." Then it hit me on the head that I have that type of support system in my life and would not trade them for the world. I know that whenever I get down I can count on my family, my friends, and my church to help keep me going like the people who stand on the sidelines of those 26 mile marathons and cheer on the runners. Okay.. I got off subject a little bit, but I love it whenever I read Paul telling people, " I thank God for you and pray for you," on a constant basis... who wouldn't like to hear that? The verse that stuck with me was starts in verse 10 and continues in 11 and a bit of 12.. " growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might, so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father..." Yeah, the first time I read that I said "Wow!" too. I know there are times when I feel weary and need some endurance and DEFINITELY there are times when I could use some more patience. After reading this I thought about all of the people in my life who have helped me endure the seemingly impossible. My friends at Southlands always talk about going through seasons and how we are all there to help each other through these seasons and let me tell you, they have taught me a lot about humility and humbleness. I am going through a season right now and I constantly tell them that I get embarrassed about having them pray for me all the time and not being able to return the favor and Sandy, who is one of the elder's wives, said to me, " Just let us lift up your arms when they get weary and we know that you will return the favor when we need it." It's so true I have many Paul's in my life who are helping me with my endurance and I know that some day, when I am stronger, I will be able to lift up their arms and help them endure... that is the beauty of the Christian family....

Monday, November 17, 2008

Firestorm 2008

At least that is what the media has been calling it. I had a moment of sheer ridiculousness today and it made me ashamed of myself. It all started because a girl from another store was supposed to come help us because we were having trouble with one of our coworkers who kept calling in. Well he ended up showing up and I texted the girl and told her not to come and she never got it, so she showed up. I felt bad for her coming all this way so I called my boss and asked her if Zannah could stay, and I could go home. The fires around us are getting really intense and the smoke has given me some nasty headaches the past few days. My boss said yes and I quickly left and was happy because it meant that I could go to Elevation, our night service, which was good since I missed the morning service due to a freeway closure. Well about 2 hours later I got a text from my friend Isaiah saying that Elevation was cancelled due to the fires (and here is where the ridiculousness comes in) and I actually got irritated about it. A minute later I felt EXTREMELY selfish and felt ashamed at my behavior. People are losing their homes and firefighters are working their tails off to help save people's lives and try to prevent people from losing everything (which MANY have already lost) and here I was upset that church was cancelled. Then I began to think about my behavior throughout the past couple days and although I have said some prayers for the victims and the fire fighters, I have spent more time complaining about the smoke and feeling sorry for myself because it gave me headaches. I have since made a new resolve that I will pray fervently for them and NOT complain about anything and instead be grateful for all of the things I have and that my loved ones are not in harms way. It is so sad to me that it takes something like this to really appreciate the things we have in life.... I am now going to be a dedicated prayer warrior and pray for all of the people involved and I STRONGLY suggest that everyone take a little time to pray for them as well!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

My Mantra

This is the song that I have been singing over and over again the past few days as things have been getting rougher and rougher around here:
HOLD ON By 33 Miles
I've been there a thousand times,I've felt the rain like a thousand knives.And it hurts,I know it hurts!I've been there like a fighter plane,Tryin' fly my way through a hurricane.And it's hard,I know it's hard!Don't be afraid, You'll make it through,Just call out to me and I'll come running to you!Hold on, hold on!When the current pulls you under,And your heart beats like thunder.Just give me your hand,And hold on, hold on!Until the storm is over,And I'll be fighting for you.Just give me your hand and,Hold on!I'll give you hope, I'll give you faith!And if it's dark, I'll light the way,For you, for you!By your side, until the end,Until you're standing tall again!I'm here, I'll always be here.And if the tide, sweeps you out to sea,When your strength is gone, and it's hard to believe!Hold on, hold on!When the current pulls you under,And your heart beats like thunder!Just give me your hand,And hold on, hold on!Until the storm is over.And I'll be fighting for you,Just give me your hand!Ooooo so...Hold on, hold on!When the current pulls you under,And your heart beats like thunder!Just give me your hand.And hold on, hold on!Until the storm is over,And I'll be fighting for you!Just give me your hand,And hold on, hold on!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

More than I can Handle

"The Lord never gives you more than you can handle..." I have heard that phrase over and over throughout my lifetime, but I have never felt that it was quite true. I have been in some situations that were DEFINITELY more than I can handle (I'm kinda going through one right now.) I think that there should be an extension to that saying that reads," If you do get more than you can handle, the Lord will bring people in your life to help shoulder the burden." Things in my life lately have made me feel like I have a thousand pound boulder sitting on my chest and it's slowly suffocating me. I was mad the other day cos someone repeated that phrase when I was talking about how I was struggling and I felt like screaming, " But THIS is more than I can handle." Then I started to think about how my friend David asked if he and my friend Karin could pray for my situation Sunday morning and how my friend Aaron has been sending me encouraging texts. Then yesterday my best friend came and picked me up because things at home were very tense and we spent the most relaxing day ever and then finally last night my friend Jill asked me how I was and when I gave the standard, " Oh things are fine.." she just gave me that look and I crumbled and told her what was going on. She spoke words of encouragement over me and when she prayed for me I somehow felt lighter. I felt like each one of those things were like my friends picking up axes and chipping away at the boulder on my chest and they too were carrying my burden with me. I know I have been disappointed lately because some of the people I EXPECTED to be there haven't been, but others have come coming at me left and right and I feel like I don't have to shoulder this burden alone. To those people I say I am forever indebted to you. Now I know the next time I feel like I am overburdened that God will put people in my life that will carry it with me and it gives me a sense of peace

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The great election

I was just siitng here thinking how the weather is appropriate for what is going on right now. Everyday for the past week or so there has been people bombarding the streets with signs and yelling," Say yes to this Prop," or "Vote No on this Prop." My coworker Jessica said that she even saw some people getting in fights over it. There has been so much turmoil that it seemed appropriate for the storms to come. Today all of these issues will be resolved one way or another and this morning the sky was ominous and the rain came, but just about the time that everyone begin to go out and vote, the clouds parted and the sun shined down on all of those people who decided to do their civic duty and vote.... It will all be over soon and I have faith that God's will will be done :o) Get Out and Vote!!!!