Saturday, May 28, 2011

Stretching my blogging legs again..

Man, I can't believe that it has been like 2 YEARS since I last blogged. The chaos of daily life just kinda got the best of me and I forgot what a joy I felt when I put my thoughts down in a blog. So with that I say please forgive me if this comes out choppy as I haven't "flexed" my writing muscles in quite some time. This past week has been a complete whirlwind for me and I am still trying to process it all. Last weekend our church held it's annual International Leadership conference called Urban Renewal. I was really excited that I could attend the entire conference this year because last year I was only able to attend 2 sessions. I arrived on Thursday with my stomach all tied up in knots because I knew God was going to do some amazing things at this conference. This year I worked the registration team so when my friend Beth and I showed up, there weren't very many people there but the excitement was already palpable. It was like the beginning of a tornado that was slowly building and my anticipation almost became too much to bear. As people began to arrive it became more and more evident that incredible things were about to happen. It was the most incredible weekend of my life and I'm sure I will be blogging about it for a long time to come as I process it more and more, but the thing that struck me the most about it and made me step back in amazement, was the common goal of every single person. The fact that people from ALL OVER THE WORLD had come together in one place under the banner of God's love was almost too much to process. Anyone who knows me knows that worship time, for me, is when I am closest to God and usually I am lost in the love affair between myself and God, but I distinctly remember looking around on Friday night and simply marveling at the unity amongst the people. Each and every person was expressing his or her love for the Father and my heart swelled to the point of bursting!! I was at that very moment that i had this feeling of tangible arms reaching down and holding me and a voice whispering, " THIS is how much I love you my girl!" I've heard it preached many times that God pursues us like a bridegroom pursues his bride, and I always knew in my heart that he loved me (alls I have to do is look at all of the amazing people in my life and it's evident how much He cares)but it was the first time in my LIFE that I physically FELT the love of Christ. it caused me to do some pretty crazy stuff that I thought I would NEVER do. In the days that followed Urban Renewal I told a guy that I had begun to develop feelings for that I liked him through an e-mail ( I haven't heard anything from him so we will have to see if THAT was a good idea or not haha), I cleared up a problem between a friend and myself and felt such a relief that the "elephant in the room" was now gone and we can resume the wonderful friendship we once had. That's not to say that it hasn't been a struggle because it has. The enemy HATES when we take positive steps and tries with all his might to tear us down. For instance, I met the guy I e-mailed at Urban Renewal and even though we only hung out for 3 days, we had this AMAZING connection that I knew we both felt (one of my best friend's said that it was evident to anyone who looked at us how connected we were). I have struggled my whole life with insecurities and have always been the "friend" that guys came to when wanting to know how to get other girls, but never the girl they pursued. There's also this problem of the fact that he doesn't live in this COUNTRY so yeah. anyways I'm very shy and have had a few major crushes, but never said anything to the person. That leaves you with soooo many "what ifs..." and "I wish I would have..' that with my new Carpe Diem attitude I decided to take the leap and let him know how i felt. It was a HUGE step on my part, and I am proud of myself for doing it, but the enemy is trying to use the fact that I haven't heard back from him as a catalyst for resurfacing my insecurities. I have been going nuts about it for 4 days, but every time I start to slip I think bout the words of my little sister Ash, " Hey, at least you can say you put yourself out there and did the best you could do in the situation. If he doesn't respond to that, then that's HIS loss, not yours!" My new mantra has become, "No Regrets!! No regrets!!" So I am determined to keep this attitude of no regrets even IF things turn out badly. I am also determined to keep that feeling of closeness to God through devotionals, Word reading, and unapologetic worship. returning to this blog has been a blessing to me cos the title alone is a reminder that we need to surrender ALL to God and he will take care of us and guide us down the right path. I entitled my blog "Glamorously Foolish" because I remember being struck by that phrase when it was uttered by one of my favorite preachers, Chris Wienand. he said, " We all just need to be Glamorously Foolish for God," and the intense imagery that that statement created in me is one that I will carry with me throughout my life. Once again I apologize for the randomness of this blog, but like I said it's been a while since I stretched my blogger legs and am determined to be more diligent about it in the future. I am really excited about the fire that the Holy Spirit began stirring up in me at Urban Renewal and I look forward to seeing where it takes me
Blessings to you all!

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