Thursday, January 15, 2009

We can even learn from cartoons...

It's funny how if you look hard enough you can see God in everything...EVEN a cartoon movie about dinosaurs. I have been thinking a lot lately about my resolution to question less and trust more. It hasn't been easy because like I have said before I am a born worrier, so task has been kind of difficult for me. So I was thinking about it again today (cos you know I have TONS of time to think as I am healing... it's a blessing and a curse at the same time) and I happened to be sort of half watching the movie "The Land Before Time," at the same time. There was a certain scene that quickly gained my full attention and had me marveling at the mysterious works of God. For those of you who have not seen the movie it's about a motley crew of children dinosaurs who are in search of the "Great Valley" because the place they had previously lived was devastated by an "earthshake" and lack of vegetation. So this group is heading to the Great Valley and as they are walking, their path begins to make a steep incline and the climbing is difficult. Suddenly Cera ( a VERY stubborn Triceratops) declares that she is going to go the opposite direction because it is an easier route. She is successful in talking all of the other dinosaurs into following her except for one, Little Foot. Little Foot refuses to turn the other direction because he says that his mother told him that this was the direction they were supposed to go. One little dino is wavering between the two paths but finally chooses to follow Cera because it is an easier route. Needless to say they quickly find out that the "easier" route is anything but and find themselves in a heap of trouble including almost being eaten by predators. So, had they followed Little Foot they would have had a difficult climb, but in the end they would have avoided coming into contact with the enemy. This reminded me soooooo much of our walk with God. I can remember many times when I was a Cera and thought that I knew which way I should be going and ignoring God's path for me because it just seemed too hard. Although lately I am more of a Ducky who wants to go the right way, but somehow gets talked into going the wrong direction. That's not to say that I blame others for my turning around, but still blame myself for being so weak minded that I am able to be talked into it. There is a major lesson to be learned by these little dinosaurs in that we need to be more like Little Foot and trust that our father knows better than us which way we should go. Even if the other path seems "easier," things aren't always what they seem. I continue to work on my resolve to question less and trust more and I STRONGLY suggest you do the same :o)
Blessings to all,


Shermanators said...

It's amazing the message some of these cartoons have, huh? We were watching Cars the other night and were blown away by the depth of it. Awesome post!! :) I guess the next step for me is making sure I listen to God correctly!


Miss Jenn said...

okay Kelli and I definitely think alike, because I was gonna pretty much say the same thing LOL. When God says, "go this way" I need to make sure my ears are open so I hear him. Nice one!